Monday, December 9, 2013

creative controls

1. an aperture of 3.5 makes a wider hole for light to come in the lens.
2. an aperture of 11 lets more light in the camera to hit the image sensor.
3. an aperture of 11 keeps more of the foreground and background in focus.
4. 1/200 is a faster shutter speed.
5. 1/30 keeps the door in the camera open longer.
6. 1/200 stops action better.

 for this photo i think the colors are just right for this photo.
 for this photo, the colors are a little bit too dark. but over all , the picture is alright.
 this photo looks too washed out . i should use a lower aperutre.
 this photo is too light . the background is too washed out.
 in this picture , the background is kind of washed out but everything else seems to be alright.
in this picture, the picture looks a little too dark .  but the background got better than the last picture. its not as washed out.
 this picture is way too bright and washed out. it is really blury too.
this picture is good except for the background. part of it is super washed out. but everything else is pretty good :)
i think the background is a lot better in this photo than the last one. its not as washed on in this photo. so its a lot better photo to use.
 this picture is too blury and washed out all over , not just the background.
this photo is kind of dark. but its a good photo though. it just needs more light in the photo especially for the face and stuff.

this picture is alright. could be a little bit lighter but if you did do that , the background would probably be pretty washed out.

1. depth of field i think is how much of the image is in focus.
2. if it is cloudy out. so it will let more light in.
3. different shutter speeds can affect my images.  if you have for example 1/10 of a second while your outside it will be too washed out.

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