Friday, November 15, 2013


 this is one of my natural pattern photos. i like what i did in this photo. i grabbed a whole different color leaf so it would break the pattern. also i like the colors in this photo.
 this photo is of a man made pattern. I like this photo because this photo is different than what people normally think is a pattern.
 this picture is also man made . i like the pattern in this photo; how all the trash cans are patterned up by their color.
this photo is natural pattern . but also can be man made i guess. i like this photo mostly because of the colors that are brought out .

i think im doing alright with the picture taking, although , i seem to not take enough photos . but overall the pictures are pretty good.  with our next project , my goal is to get a better variaty of pictures, and to take more than enough so i can pick which ones are the overall best. i think mr. peterson can help me succeed in this class by being on top of me for assignments, or reminding me about stuff, because i seem to forget sometimes. although it is not his responsibility for nagging me for that stuff,  and other thing he could possibly do is give us some things to do for extra credit for the people who want to get better grades.

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