Tuesday, December 17, 2013


 for this photo i was just trying to make him look like he was floating mysteriously. i had a lot of problems with this photo. i found that i didnt line up the photo right, so grass would show up when i tried to erase the chair he was standing on, but i changed it by moving the picture around a lot. it was hard to do this photo , because i wanted to do more to the photo. but i didnt have time to.
 for this photo , i wanted him to be in the air when i took this photo. i had a problem taking this photo because i had a hard time taking it at the right time. i wanted to make the background more bland so that he would stand out, but not enough time, and im not exactly sure how to do that yet.
this photo is probably my best. i tried to get it to look like he was doing the darth vader thing. i had one problem with this photo. trying to get the colors to look alright and to take the picture at the right time when he was in the air . also i had a problem with his face, he shouldve made a better expression. but overall it was pretty good.

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