Friday, October 11, 2013


 This picture is enviormental . What i did to take this picture was, i got up close to the tree by the cafeteria and was taking a bunch of shots of random leaves and things on the tree. I finally got this picture from in between the leaves.
 This picture is a man made picture. I took this picture by neiling down with my camera close to the bench . I photoshopped this picture a little bit. What i did was crop it, because the background was too washed out.
This pictureis a human line. I took this picture of me on accident, i was trying to mess with the button on the camera and took this. This is my only human picture i have on here.

I think my first picture is my strongest. I like how the sun creeps in through the leaves of the tree and you see the rays . This is probably my favorite picture ive taken so far.
This assignment was pretty hard trying to get the perfect pictures. Most of them didnt come out right the first time. The first time we went outside , the pictures came out all blury. But then the rest turned out alright . It was also hard to find the right things to take pictures of, i had too much of the same pictures.

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