Thursday, June 12, 2014


 I picked this photo because i love how i got to get a perfect picture of the hummingbird and you can actually see the whole bird clearly .   i used some photoshop too to make it into a color splash photo.   i like how i did it.  it was pretty hard taking the picture because the bird kept moving .  but it was worth the time.
 i took this photo at the beginning of the year.   i like how the sun kind of shines through the leaves.  i didnt have to use any photoshop for this photo.  i chose this photo because it was different than another photo ive taken.
 this photo is towards the beginning of the year .   we were trying to have a shallow depth of field. i just used a leave on a trashcan for this photo.   it was pretty easy to take and i didnt have to do anything to it in photoshop.
 i took this photo a while ago of my little brother.  hes so adorable.   i just love this picture.  i finally got him to smile for me to take this picture. this picture is probably my favorite picture ive taken of him all year.
 i chose this photo because i love the pink flowers from the tree on school campus .  its really pretty looking.  i didnt have to use any photoshop for this picture.
 i think this is one of my favorite pictures ive taken . i took this photo in the middle of the year.   i like how i got the flower in focus and the rest has a good depth of field.   i also didnt have to change anything to this photo.
 i chose this photo because i like how we have normal colored leaves and then in the middle there is a red leaf .   it looks pretty cool to me.
 i took this photo at the beginning of the year when we were doing the angles project .   i like how i got really low to the ground and also you can see a lot of the texture and details in the photo.   it also has leading lines and a little bit of a depth of field.
 i think this is my least favorite picture of these 10 i posted on here.   i like the leading lines but i dont like the washed out part at the top of the photo.
this is also one of my favorite photos.  i also took this when we were doing the angles project.   one thing i would do different is crop out a little bit of the top so it wont be kind of washed out.

my favorite part about this class is learning the technics to taking a good, quality photo.  i know how to use photoshop now too.  any advice id give to the future photography class is to try your hardest and dont slack off. this was by far my favorite class.  ive always had a thing for photography.  i want to be a photographer just like my grandmother.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


 i chose this picture to use as one of my best because i like how there was no distracting backgrounds and also the lighting is good in this photo.  this model was pretty good; suggested new ways and places to take good pictures. one challenge i had with this photo is getting to the right angle to take the picture so it looked good. i think i did good with the lighting and the background. i think i couldve made this a better picture by getting a little closer to the model when i took this picture.

 i chose this image mostly because of the lighting and the pose of the model. also the picture is pretty clean and crisp. what we had to do to get this picture is get a little low and take it when she looked at the camera. one challenge i had with this is when she didnt look at the camera when i took the photo.
 i chose this picture mostly because it just turned out well. i didnt have a distracting backgound and it was pretty easy to get a good picture that day because the lighting was good. my experience with working with this model was pretty good.  we got along pretty well.
 i also chose this picture becuase of the lighting and it just turned out really well. i think this is one of my better pictures while doing portraits. i didnt have any problem with the model. i think my biggest success with this photo is just the quality of the photo. it is crisp and clean.
i like this photo because i liked how i did the rule of thirds with this photo. it turned out good. i think it focuses mostly on the model than at the background. my successes with this photo is just the photo itself.

Monday, April 28, 2014


 this is my little brother. i chose him because i love him very much and i dont know what id do without him. i know that sounds mean considering that i have 2 other siblings too but...  yeah ..   i dont think id ever be able to give him up as bait . id  be very protective of him.
 i chose this to represent any kind of medicine . of course we need medicine sometimes in case someone is sick . it could save your life. i think this is a very important part of life.

obviously this is a bottle of water . but it is meant to represent food and water. we cant live without it . it is the most important thing of all besides the medicine. we cant live long without food and water.
 this picture is of a car. at one point we would need a car to be prtoected by the zombies and to drive to get more supplies and food.  this is also an important part of life during the zombie apocalypse.
this picture is of me as a zombie .  i know it looks kinda sketchy but...  i kinda messed up but meant for it to be dirty looking . i was going to do a different tutorial but i didnt have that much time to be able to do that so..

Friday, March 28, 2014

inner child

 i chose this photo because its pretty adorable haha.
i like this photo because she looks pretty funny
 in this photo aisha looks pretty wasted.
i chose this picture because it was a good one that i took.

my experience with working with these models were good. they were very good models and we always got along the whole time. we had a little bit of trouble finding out what to do about all the different variations to do for our photos.. but got it done eventually. our successes were that we took pretty good photos and we got done on time with time to spare too.
    my experience as a model was wierd .   i didnt really like the feeling of people taking wierd pictures of me . i was afraid that i would look bad in the photos.. being a model for photos can help me as a photographer because it gives me a sense of what to do or what other variations to do for the other poeples photos. i think to be a good photographer i need to have experience and need to be good at doing any kind of photos. im excited to do more portrait pictures so i can hopefully learn to be better at taking pictures . my concerns as we do more portrait pictures are that i will take bad pictures .

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


the techniques i used to make this photo happen is, i got her to stand on the ledge on the side of the building so i could get a frame which looked like this.  i like this picture a lot just because of the frame and how i make this picture happen.
the technique i used in this specific photo was auto. it focused the good part of the picture for me . what i did to make this picture happen was to make someone put their hand in and take a picture making it look like a heart.
this picture would proably be my least favorite out of these three pictures . i kind of dont like the writing that was on the wall behind her. but i like how i used this frame .  i think it is a frame that most likely nobody else would have used .  so its more unique.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


 for this photo all i did was get at the right angle and in the right lighting to do it. i had to change the shutter speed a few times to get it right. some problems i had with taking this photo is getting the timing just right.
 for this photo all i did was get on the grass at a low angle to capture this photo. i had to change the iso a little bit because it was off . some problems i had with this photo was also getting the timing right and have it at the right angle and have the background blurry.
 for this photo,  what i had to do was just stand there while she walked around. i didnt have much of a problem with this photo but just how blurry and unfocused it was. so i had to take multiple pictures of this.
in this photo , i just stood there with a bunch of people while those people ran a lot. i just had a little bit of a problem getting the timing just right. so i just took a bunch of pictures until i got it right.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


 for this photo i was just trying to make him look like he was floating mysteriously. i had a lot of problems with this photo. i found that i didnt line up the photo right, so grass would show up when i tried to erase the chair he was standing on, but i changed it by moving the picture around a lot. it was hard to do this photo , because i wanted to do more to the photo. but i didnt have time to.
 for this photo , i wanted him to be in the air when i took this photo. i had a problem taking this photo because i had a hard time taking it at the right time. i wanted to make the background more bland so that he would stand out, but not enough time, and im not exactly sure how to do that yet.
this photo is probably my best. i tried to get it to look like he was doing the darth vader thing. i had one problem with this photo. trying to get the colors to look alright and to take the picture at the right time when he was in the air . also i had a problem with his face, he shouldve made a better expression. but overall it was pretty good.