Thursday, September 26, 2013

photo analysis

                 This picture is of a line of elephants. This picture is also in black and white . The photographer was taking this picture at an angle to see all the elephants but straight on. I could guess that the herd of elephants were on a journey to some other place . The question I have for this picture is why'd they take it ? I like this picture because of how you can see all the elephants in a line and also I just like animal photography .
                  This picture is of a tree frog . I love this picture because of the colors and how pretty they are . Also the depth of feel in the photo . The photographer was probably low to the ground and farther away to be able to take the picture while the frog was on a leaf but the picture was also taken straight on . A question I have for this photo is how hard was it to take this picture and why'd you take it ?

This picture is of the sky. I love this picture because of how the colors look in this . The photographer probably took a lot of effort to edit this photo. Because I doubt anyone could get the normal sky to look like this . I like how they had that random tree in here , because It shows that they
 were looking up at the sky from below. The photographer was taking this picture from below. I don't have any questions for this picture .

This picture is of the woods and the sky.  I like this picture because of the trees and the stars beyond it and how they edited the picture to make the trees super dark and the sky the brightest thing . the photographer was taking this picture from below . I have one question for this , why did you ever think to take a picture like that?

This picture is of a turtle swimming in the ocean . I like this picture because I like ocean photography and animal photography. Also I like the colors and the motion in this photo. The photographer was probably taking this picture kind of below the turtle but at an angle. I have no questions for this one besides how do you take that photo? Underwater camera?

This photo is of a path in the fall. I like this picture because of the colors of the leaves and the path .  I like how you can see every detail in this picture , like the different shades of leaves and how the trees lead your eyes into looking at the path. The photographer was taking this picture from straight on.
One question is want to ask is where this picture was taken .
This picture is of hot air balloons at night.  It looks like they are by the water. I like the colors and how you can see the reflection of the hot air balloons in the water.  This picture looks like it would've been taken on a boat or something . But it was taken far away but straight on.  I have 2 questions for this ; how did you get the picture to look like this ? And was this hot air balloons part of a festival?
This picture is obviously of cupcakes.  I like this picture because I've always wanted to be a baker ,
specifically to make sweets and it looks good.  I like the colors in this picture and how it's directed to the middle of the photo with sprinkled cupcake .  This picture was taken at an angle but straight on.  The picture was probably taken by a baker or something to advertise . I have no questions for this photo.
This picture is of a fisher . I like this picture because I like to go fishing sometimes. Also I like how the sun is setting and how hard it must be to take a picture like this when the lighting is like this .the picture was taken at an angle but straight on. I have one question for this picture.. Like how many pictures did it take to get a good one like this ?

This picture is of a beach in Hawaii.. Specifically on the island of Oahu.  I like this picture because of how pretty the water Is, and how I used to live there . The photographer took this picture above , probably in a helicopter or on a hotel balcony .  The photographer was probably a tourist who just came there to take some pictures .  This picture probably didn't need much edited , because the beach is normally looking like this . I have no questions for this .

This picture is of water washing up on rocks . This picture was actually taken in Hawaii. I like this picture because I like Hawaii and how pretty it is . I actually used to live there for a few years.  The photographer was probably on his knees to take this picture .  Also I don't think there was much edited in this picture because the water is normally like that .  I have one question ... Was it easy or really hard to get this picture just right ?

This picture is of crayons breaking I guess..  I like this picture because of how different and how cool and simple this picture just is. This picture was taken straight on. It looks like this picture would've been super hard to take , because you would've had to take the picture at the exact time so you could see the crayons breaking.  It probably took a lot of tries to get a picture like this.  My question is .. How many times did it take the photographer to this perfect one?
This picture is of a cat reaching for a piece of string. I like this picture because I like animal photography and I thought this picture was really adorable.  This picture was taken straight on . And the photographer looks like they were trying to get this kind of reaction from the cat. I have no questions for this picture .

This picture is of a lion looking out at the horizon . I really love this photo because I like black and white photos and lions are my favorite animal. I like the depth of feel in this photo. The photographer was most likely far away and taking it straight on so they didn't disturb the lion . I have one question. How long did it take to get a photo to look like this?
This photo is of a beach in Hawaii . Hawaii is probably my favorite place to take photos . I like the detail of the sand and the water in this photo. There are a lot of reasons why a photographer would take a photos of this . It's about the most prettiest place in the world, and always tropical . I have no questions for this .
This picture is of a line of rubber ducks. I like this picture because it brings out the little kid side of me. And I like the colors and depth of feel in this picture. I also like how you can see the individual water drops on the ducks . This picture was probably taken low to the ground but straight on. My question is , why did the photographer take this photo?

  • This picture is of bouquets of flowers lined up on what looks like a wooden pathway . I like this photo because it reminds me of when my aunt and uncle got married and how my aunts bouquet looked just like that .i also like how unique this photo is.  The picture was taken straight on but at a weird angle. My question is , was this photo taken for a wedding?
This is a photo of a path in the woods during winter season.  I like this picture because I like how you can see all the details of the trees and the path . I also like winter season too , mostly  because of the snow . The picture looks like it was taken from straight on , not looking like it was from an angle . My question for the photographer is , out of all things , why'd you take a picture of this ?

This picture is of a tractor on a field. I like this photo because it almost looks fake , because of how the sky looks and the lighting in this. But that is my favorite thing about this.  This photo was taken straight on but at an angle . I have one question about this photo, was this a painting or is it real ?
This picture is probably my most favorite one out of all of these. This is a picture of  water forming around a guy who's walking right through it . This picture is kind of confusing to me though ... Like how did they get this picture to look the way it does ?  I like this picture the most because of the colors and how different and unique it is.  The photo was obviously taken straight on. I have one question , how did they get the photo to look like this ? How much editing ?